BSYSC Coaches,
Welcome back to our 2017 Spring Season.
I have seen many of you out at the fields getting a head start on this Spring Season. As we go back to the fields with our teams and players lets make sure we have contacted all of our parents to make sure they are returning or take the time to persuade them to return. Make sure that our returning players have had a chance to register and begin the process of getting assigned to a team.
As our organization continues to grow and more players and teams begin to use our Complex one of our goals is to make sure that everyone practices under the lighted fields. We currently have two lighted fields and we will organize and structure our practices in such a way that all of the teams are able to practice. Please verity your email account for the information the Club requires to get your input and finalize practice structure. We will then post this information on our Website.
One of our mid term goals is to expand our electricity grid; but that is a plan in the works that will require the help of all the Saints.
Currently No teams should be playing in a dark field or areas that are not well lighten due to safety and liability reasons; please refrain from this practice.
Baytown Soccer!
Alejandro F. Cortes
BSYSC President